Friday, December 19, 2008

Immagini da Spagna e Buon Natale!

Woah, it's been over a month since I last updated this bad boy. This is not because there has been nothing new to report. The main reason I haven't updated lately is because my computer is ungodly slow when uploading images. I'm just going to be patient with it today and give it an update before Christmas. Ho pazienza adesso.

So, first thing's first: At the end of November, I traveled to Madrid, Spain for four days to visit a couple of friends. One friend is studying Spanish there for the semester and the other was visiting as well from the States. It was the first time I had traveled outside of Italy since arriving to Europe last August. Madrid was awesome! In comparing it to Rome, I definitely think Rome has a lot more to see and experience. The history here in Rome spans much farther back. But even though there is more to see and do in Rome, the nightlife of Madrid was second to none...feel free to draw your own conclusions.

During one day, I took a 3.5 hour walking tour (for free!) around Madrid one afternoon and saw a lot of cool things: churches (that used to be burlesque houses), palaces, famous statues and plazas, and places of executions during the Spanish inquisition. The one complaint about the tour...the weather was bad. It was rainy and windy the entire time, yet it was still worth it! Pics from the trip below:
A place where a ton of drummers play every Sunday night, people sit around enjoying the beats while drinking Spanish wine.

The big Christmas tree getting Madrid ready for Navidad.

A famous bear statue at "El Sol." It's said that the berries from the tree he's eating are a potent aphrodisiac...used to make a fine wine. It would have been interesting to buy some...

The Royal Palace of the Monarchy

Notice the lovely weather...

I got lost, so I had to get in my map. Always been a visual learner.

One of the oldest parts of Madrid...the wall located in the lower portion

After returning from Madrid, I went back to work doing the usual: working outside in the morning and in the portineria in the afternoons. We installed a path in the gardens here that leads down the big olive tree hill I had mentioned in a previous blog post. We installed this stradina (little road) so that we could bring gardening tools and the lawn mower down there (the massive staircase wouldn't work so well). This was a fun project. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures at this time. Hopefully soon!

Then, just last week, the friends who I visited in Madrid came by Rome for a three day visit. It was fun being the tour guide. And next week, my dad and his wife are coming for a visit, so I got some nice practice in showing people around Rome. I'm excited to have some family here for the first time since coming here and showing them my life for the last five months.

I probably won't make another post until after the New Year. So, I wish everybody a Buon Natale (Merry Christmas) and an awesome Nuovo Anno (New Year)! Here's to 2009...the best year yet! Salute!

Coming soon:
Trip to Germany, January 2009

Ciao amici,


1 comment:

Steven Babcock said...

From the little bit of reading I've made through your blog entries, it sounds like your time spent in Italy and Europe is going great!

I scrolled down and noticed a few familiar landmarks from Madrid. There are plenty of times when I wish I was living back in EspaƱa...That was the good life.

You have a pretty good gig going over there, and I hope all is well!